How is the daily and max drawdown calculated?
Every day at midnight (server time), we take a snapshot of your equity. During the next 24 hours, your equity cannot get below 5% of your equity at midnight.
Daily starting drawdown rule (applicable only to ProTrader program):
Every day at midnight (server time), we take a snapshot of your equity. During the next 24 hours, your equity cannot get below 5% of your equity at midnight.
Klíčové poznatky:
Hodnoty amerického dolaru (vyjádřená DXY indexem), stříbra a HUI indexu významně korelují se zlatem, čehož lze využít při jeho obchodování.
Korelaci dělíme na negativní (když jeden instrument roste, druhý klesá a naopak), nulovou a pozitivní (oba instrumenty se chovají stejně).
Přestože není korelace vždy stoprocentní, vyplatí se ji při obchodování zlata zohlednit a ukazatele, které jsme dneska zmínili, mít vždy na očích.
If you started with 100,000 USD and your equity at midnight (server time) after the first trading day is 103,000 USD, on the following day, you can’t get below equity of 97,850 USD (103,000 – (103,000*0,05)).
For example
For example
on the second trading day, you end up with equity at midnight of 101,000 USD. You are still fine, and you can continue trading.
On the following third trading day, you can’t get below equity of 95,950 USD (101,000 – (101,000*0,05)). If you end up with some losing trades on the third day and your equity decreases down below 95,950 USD, it is considered a hard breach, and your ProTrader Evaluation Program will be terminated.
Please note that equity includes profit or loss from the open trades.Please note that equity includes profit or loss from the open trades.Please note that equity includes profit or loss from the open trades.Please note that equity includes profit or loss from the open trades.